The Maples Stories consists of eighteen classic stories from across John Updike's career, forming a luminous chronicle of the life and times of one marriage in all its rich emotional complexity. In 1956, Updike published the story "Snowing in Greenwich Village," about a young couple, Joan and Richard Maple, at the beginning of their marriage. Over the next two decades, he returned to these characters again and again, tracing their years together raising children, finding moments of intermittent happiness, and facing the heartbreak of infidelity and estrangement.
In this sixth story from The Maples Stories, Richard and Joan attend a party, after which an intoxicated Richard gets behind the wheel. With his wife in the backseat and Eleanor, a woman to whom Richard is undeniably attracted, in the passenger seat, he sets off into the snowy night.
John Updike was born in 1932, in Shillington, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Harvard College in 1954, and spent a year in Oxford, England, at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art. From 1955 to 1957 he was a member of the staff of The New Yorker, and since 1957 has lived in Massachusetts. He is the author of fifty-odd previous books, including twenty novels and numerous collections of short stories, poems, and criticism. His fiction has won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, the American Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Rosenthal Award, and the Howells Medal.
Peter Van Norden has been acting on stage, film, and television for over thirty years. He has appeared on Broadway, off Broadway, and with most of the regional reps across the country. His film and television credits include roles in Police Academy 2 and The Accused (opposite Jodie Foster), as well as the role of Ralph Brentner in Stephen King’s eight-hour miniseries The Stand. He currently lives in Los Angeles.