The sub-conscious part of your mind is a very powerful area that stores all your memories and past experiences. If you can harness its treasure trove of information, you can achieve whatever you dream of.
Do you want to enjoy a better life than what you already have? Let your sub-conscious help. This is because the way you work or make money has a close link to it. Identifying the reasons and causes that you are in the same mediocre situation have something to do with whatever is stored in your sub-conscious mind. So go ahead, learn how to tap into and then re-wire it.
More precisely, with this this book, you will:
• Build a comprehensive understanding of your subconscious mind so that you know just how powerful it is and how much control it has over you
• Understand why being the one in control over your subconscious mind will work in your favor
• Find specific steps you can take to gain conscious control over your subconscious mind
• Understand the place of awareness in becoming lord over your subconscious mind
• How to use awareness to your advantage taking reins over your subconscious mind
• Know the rules of the game that you must adhere to if you are to increase your chances of success
This subconscious mind drives just about everything we do.
When we don't know how the subconscious mind works, many of us end up with limiting beliefs, feeling stuck, and imagining negative things about ourselves that just aren't true.
The problem is that from inside our own minds, it can be difficult to see what's really going on. We can end up feeling like we're constantly being pushed around by the world. Or even by our own emotions.
Hi, my name is John Turnipseed. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.