You're about to waste your money...
I'm not a Guru and haven't posted a Lambo on my IG, so I'm not credible, right? Probably...
Well I grew up with little to no money and became wealthy through Amazon FBA by working hard. I'm not going to say how much I make, so don't ask me. I can't prove any claims here and I just don't like making claims...
So I'm just going to give you what you need to consider before purchasing this audiobook and have you think with your brain and not with your heart.
"But Jay, why are you not selling me the life? When am I going to make a million dollars?". Shut up! And listen!
Amazon FBA is not for you if you want to get rich "easy". You can get wealthy quick, but not easy. OK? You must do the work!
Passive income exists, but you must work first, dude.
Here's the FBA pillars here's the FBA pillars you need to know:
Focus relentlessly on these 7 pillars and you'll be miles ahead. Kiss goodbye the other newbies.
So get your copy and apply the principles NOW.
Good luck,