Mud Kipith
Full of contradictions and meanings that dont make sense, especially with the page, knight, queen and king cards. Left me more confused and frustrated than informed in the end about the hardest cards for me to interpret, (the face cards) these overly detailed descriptions dont have any actual meanings to apply to any real situations.. it felt like I was just listening to a boring book of adjectives listed off with no real purpose
Emma Watson
I have been using Biddy Tarot's website for interpreting my tarot cards for the past 4 years, so I was delighted to now be able to have an actual book version of the meanings. The issues with the design and light print that I saw in other comments must have been dealt with because the copy I received was of good quality paper and dark readable print. Yes it is in black and white, but as the book is already quite an expensive purchase, printing it in colour would have made the cost prohibitive for most people. I don't use the Rider tarot set anyway, so for me the pictures are irrelevant because it is the words that I want. It is a large book (450 pages) and you do get a lot of value for your money. There are between 3-5 pages of text for each card. The amount of information in the book is considerably more than that which available on the website. I also like that as well as a general interpretation, each card is broken down into interpretations for different types of readings (such as work/career, relationship, well-being and health, personality and spiritual readings etc) because it helps to focus the reading more clearly. I also have found the 'card combinations' a useful feature, to show how the suggestions of each card in conjunction with other cards can enhance the focus of a meaning. There is the same infortmation for reversed cards too. I like that the name of each card is clearly printed on the top right of each page as this makes it easy to locate a particular card when riffling through the book. It is helping me to understand the order they come in too. As yet, I have only done readings for myself and family but I'm aiming to take part in the next Tarot course Biddy is running, to help me develop my skills further. Overall I would say this is an excellent book and has helped me to increase the depth and accuracy of my readings enormously.
Smart Things
This is probably the best guide I have ever seen for a Rider Waite tarot deck. Even better than the actual Rider Wait guide. This Ultimate Guide includes in depth interpretations for each card in the deck as well as comprehensive analyses and keyword charts of each suit (cups, pentacles, wands and swords) to allow you to better understand the nature of each suit. Another great thing about this book is the inclusion of a reversed card for each card in the deck; this isn’t included in all guides so was a real selling point for me. Lastly, at the back of the book are bonus chapters with helpful info on developing a beginner’s ability to intuitively interact with their deck. This is the only guide you’ll truly need for your Rider Waite deck. Brigit Esselmount has compiled one of the best tarot guides; her descriptions and explanations are compassionate and positive without being sentimental and her analysis of tarot cards that traditionally make people nervous in a reading is practical and level-headed without being negative or admonishing. An excellent resource, especially for a beginner. I love this book . It is very detailed and modern. Easy to understand . I just wished that it would have been an easier way to search for each card. I found it is not easy to find the right page ( despite you have the content and pages ) The pages are too thin and the cover is not a hard cover .. too bad. I feel like I am searching a word in a dictionary.... So I have put some « post it papers » to divide for each sections (cups, wands, swords, pentacles) for exemple.