The Wildbird family has dedicated themselves to wildlife protection for generations. This passion turns mission when a politically potent hunter slays two family members. These brutal murders demand revenge. Distinctive retaliation, guided by family elders, generates a new religion. An illicit enterprise linking Yellowstone to Glacier National Park becomes their single-minded creed in honor of the slain.
This distinctive reprisal bolsters the Wildbird’s quest to build their illicit wildlife corridor, unwittingly subsidized by Montana state taxpayers. As a diversion from the largest land grab in modern history, Wildbird’s vigilante riders attack and expose unlawful hunters. Stolen in the dead of night, vehicles, weaponry, and clothing disappear. Media news outlets cover the raids humiliating the shameless predators. Most notable, and being whisked away by a National Guard helicopter, is the naked Secretary of the United States and Governor of Montana. Privileged, these two men are hunting out of season.
Embarrassed, POTUS sends the Department of Interior’s best wildlife undercover agent to investigate. Sam the Seeker must determine what’s behind the raid after unearthing a string of elusive clues.