During the blackout of 1944, in the small English town of Hurstwick, something mysterious obliterates the church spire and slices through the nearby woods. Despite a government coverup, evacuee George Moss discovers the cause of the destruction, becoming the first of a select few who, over the next seventy years, are entrusted with keeping the truth hidden.
Years later, Max Cannon moves to town and stumbles across the secret, triggering a chain of events, putting himself and his new friends in the middle of a deadly conflict...
His Name was Wren is a first-contact science fiction adventure. A story of friendship, family, and struggle spanning seven decades and a thousand light-years.
This story can be read as a standalone or as book one of The Wren Trilogy.
"Reminiscent of John Wyndham."
"Well written sci-fi for all ages."
"A captivating story."
"Couldn't put it down."
"Beautifully crafted."
"If you enjoyed Super 8, Stranger Things, ET, and Starman, you will love this."