leandro Rios
I find the book amazing and very useful, I was able to better understand my device and more so for an older person like me who does not get along with this technology, luckily my son told me about this book in order to understand better. Without this book I would have given up but it only took me 2 hours to understand how it works the words are very clear even for me an elderly person who did not have much technology in his life. To sum up for its low price and how complete it is, it is totally worth it.
Samuel Bolton
Operating a ham radio is fun and most people's interest in amateur radios are driven by the fun aspect of it. Asides the excitement, Amateur radio could be very helpful in emergency situations especially when other services are unavailable. A typical example of an emergency case is the 1992 Hurricane Andrew that hit South Florida. It destroyed the common means of communication, its antennas, utility grid, and its cellular networks were all destroyed leaving victims almost helpless. At that time, amateur radio was the only source of communication and some payphones that were connected with underground lines. They are also used for many other community services Radio Amateurs around the world provide a valuable community service. This book will teach you how to operate one, learn about tuning to the right frequency, when to tune and making consistent contacts and much, much more. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Read... What is Ham Radio? Transmitting Licences Frequency Allocations and QSOs Equipment How to become a Radio Amateur And much, much more! Learn proven steps and strategies on how to start your Ham Radio and get a license to operate your radio! Ham Radio: The General License Guide To Understand Equipment And Become A Radio Amateur The Fast And Easy Way - Kindle edition by Barron, Craig.
Eduardo Azocar
Un ejemplo típico de un caso de emergencia es el huracán Andrew de 1992 que azotó el sur de Florida. Destruyó los medios de comunicación comunes; sus antenas, la red de servicios públicos y las redes celulares fueron destruidas, dejando a las víctimas casi indefensas. En ese momento, la radioafición era la única fuente de comunicación y algunos teléfonos públicos estaban conectados con líneas subterráneas. También se utilizan para muchos otros servicios comunitarios.