Graeme Parker, known to millions as THE HOOF GP, has captivated hearts across the world with his unscripted videos, set against the stunning landscape of Southwest Scotland. His humble, down-to-earth charm and the raw authenticity of his work with cattle have earned him billions of views and a devoted global following. But Graeme’s route to success wasn’t marked by good fortune from the outset.
Beneath the surface of viral fame lies a story far more complex than anyone could imagine. His recognisable smile masks a man shaped by deep personal loss, twenty-five years of undiagnosed mental health struggles, and haunting family secrets – including the unsolved mystery of his father’s death.
In Bruised Sole, Graeme opens up like never before, revealing the vulnerable, human side of his life. It’s a story of survival, resilience, and the search for peace, filled with unexpected twists and moments of profound reflection. This isn’t just about the man you see online – it’s about the hidden battles we all fight and the truths we often keep buried.
The Hoof GP’s story cuts as deep as it gets.