The fortune of having received, over the years, the possibility of viewing problems from multiple angles has allowed me to always choose where to look to find the solution of the moment. Strangely, humanity tends to think that a problem can only have two solutions, like the faces of a coin. However, this vision becomes unlikely when we consider that a coin can remain in balance, offering many more faces and suggesting a path that is equal between the solution and the problem. One of the topics that has always fascinated me is the evaluation and consideration of the human aspect in its manifestations: never the same, but always different and changing. Not being a doctor has offered me significant advantages; I have been able to learn only what interested me. Not being a psychiatrist has given me the freedom of not having to focus on a single problem or a single person. Not being a psychologist has prevented me from offering continuity to those who seemed like patients to be analyzed and corrected. And not being the man of many women has saved me from having to deal with superficial problems, easily solved with money. Human freedom is at the center of the world: only if we are free can we give the best of ourselves, without forgetting that our only true ally remains the brain, without which we could not take advantage of its functions. Everything we are, that we become and that we manifest is the object of our emotionality, which starts from a genetic and educational basis, passes through the behavioral function and accompanies us until the last day of our sigh. Living well is a right of all; living well with others is a choice of few. By remaining among few, we always find ourselves.
Ferdinando is a charismatic leader and a prominent figure on the international stage, with an extraordinary career that spans business, innovation, and culture. He began his professional journey in 1985 as a sales assistant at Gillette Italia, quickly standing out for his strategic vision and managerial skills. By 2003, he had reached the role of top manager, later becoming CEO and managing director of major international companies.
His career is marked by global successes, from Europe to the Balkans, where from 2007 to 2010, he worked for an English financial company, developing corporations in the fields of temporary staffing, construction, and cybersecurity. He then led Burger King's business in Venezuela in 2010 before dedicating himself to business consulting in Europe until 2017.
Since 2018, Ferdinando has led five Italian companies in the electronics sector, contributing to technological progress and strengthening Italy's role in the international industry. His ability to integrate innovation, local knowledge, and global dynamics has made him a point of reference for the competitiveness of the sector.
But Ferdinando is much more than a businessperson. For years, he has been involved in humanitarian projects in South America and Africa, using his success to promote social change and support struggling communities. This constructive collaboration between ambition and social responsibility defines him as an authentic leader, able to face global challenges with a unique perspective.
In 2021, his passion for writing led him to share experiences and reflections through short stories. With a direct and engaging style, Ferdinando has published fifty-two works translated into twenty-two languages, including print editions, eBooks, and audiobooks. His books, available on major global platforms, have reached a vast audience, covering three-quarters of the global population.