(Notice: This is a SUMMARY of Yuval Noah Harari’s bestseller, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.)
Unlike other macroscopic reviews of human history, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind combines the best research into history with recent discoveries in biology and archaeology and complementary disciplines of science. It provides a unique point of view on how we got to where we are today – and what that means for us as a species.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari traces the development of consciousness, above all else. 100,000 years ago Homo Sapiens were insignificant animals – but today they dominate the planet. At some point, the evolution of thinking superseded biological evolution. Much of our 'success' hinges on the importance of the myths and legends – the fictions of our imagination that have played such a vital role in the development of culture, ideology, religion, economics, science – instead of our pure biological traits.
Reading our summary is the perfect way to cover the full material and grasp the essential insights of Dr. Harari’s research in a fraction of the time. If you find Dr. Harari’s concepts enticing, we highly advise you to buy the full audiobook!
DISCLAIMER: Testimonies show that our professional summaries introduce more readers to the full book who otherwise would have been overwhelmed by the initial commitment. Listeners can use this summary as an introduction or a companion to the original, NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE.