Designed to be compatible with virtually every standard textbook in its subject field, Barron's EZ-101 Study Keys give you a valuable overview of your college-level course. Classroom-style notes emphasize important facts, remind you what you need to remember for term papers and exams, and help guide you through the complexities of lectures and textbooks.
Psychologycovers the themes, keys, terms, and facts to know for your introductory college course. Included are research methods, biopsychology, developmental psychology, learning and motivation, cognition, intelligence and personality, social psychology, a summary history of modern psychology, and much more.
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Don Baucum is an associate professor and a member of the primary faculty of the Department of Psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He holds a PhD is in general experimental psychology and currently divides his professional time between teaching and writing. He is the coauthor of numerous textbooks, two general psychology surveys, and assorted study materials.
Stuart Langton is an award-winning theater, film, and television actor. He has been an audiobook narrator for more than ten years. He lives in New York City.