Becoming a successful self-published author isn't easy. Even just one missing link in an otherwise perfect plan can kill your results.
The easiest way to avoid these mistakes is to learn from those who have made the mistakes for you, found a way to overcome them, and can take you by the hand to show you the principles you need to follow to guarantee long-term success.
I went from a broke valet parker to 7x bestselling author selling over 50,000 copies of my books. But it took years of making mistakes and banging my head against the wall in frustration wondering, "Why am I doing everything right... but my books aren't selling?"
I decided to write the book I wish someone had handed to me when I started my journey to save me years of frustration and thousands of dollars in wasted money.
This is not strictly a book on marketing strategies, how to write a better book, or a technical guide to self-publishing. Instead, this book gives you what you really need to succeed - the real world principles all successful authors follow.
You can either unknowingly make these mistakes and wonder why you're not seeing the results you want as an author, or you can learn from a #1 best selling author and publishing coach saving yourself years of trial and error learning.
After getting your copy of "Why Authors Fail," you'll never again have to worry you don't know what it takes to become the successful author you were meant to be.