Face It-- We Are A Nation Of Complainers.
We complain when our team loses, when the TV program’s dull, when the weather turns on us. We grumble about bad politicians and stupid laws and shoes that pinch. The average American complains an average of twenty times a day! You need to know how to complain effectively, to make your voice heard. A smart consumer will save money, time, and aggravation.
I’m surprising good at getting results. I have saved more money than I can tell you by not paying for faulty products, and even more by using the vouchers for free products that companies almost always send to me, once I bring an issue to their attention.
This commonsense and humorous consumer advocacy guide will show you how to get decent customer service; what you paid for, what you expect, no more, no less. I’ve included stories of customer service---and its opposite—as well as sample letters of complaint that will get the attention of the very people who can help you. Don’t waste another dollar! This easy to follow program details how to get the best value for your money, and it’s a lot more interesting than other consumer advocate books out there!
A product should perform as advertised. Services should be professional, and timely. Let me show you how to complain, as needed, and actually make a difference. Read How to Complain...and get what you deserve!