This book contains 60 distant healing sessions prepared for you. Each session is ready to receive. The healing sessions may be received forever and for an unlimited amount of times. The sessions have been programmed at Spirit levels to be received as many times as each recipient requests it. The healing sessions in the book include Heal Worry and Anxiety, Heal Repression, Heal Denial, Heal Shame, Heal Rejection, Heal Guilt, Heal Separation, Heal Gossip, Heal Blame, Heal Jealousy and Envy, Heal Lack, Heal Hate, Heal Anger, Heal Rage, Heal Addiction, Heal Arrogance, Heal Ignorance, Heal Fear, Heal Judgment, Heal Hypocrisy, Heal Selfishness, Heal Betrayal, Heal Narcissism, Heal Lust, Heal Violence, Heal Avoidance, Heal Apathy and Indifference, Heal Prejudice, Heal Lying, Heal Cheating, Heal Stealing, Heal Malice, Heal Revenge, Heal Pride, Heal Doubt, Heal Depression, Heal Powerlessness, Heal Victim-Victimizer, Heal Crossing Boundaries, Heal Intolerance, Heal Impatience, Heal Control, Heal Obsession, Heal Co-Dependence, Heal Root Chakra, Heal Sacral Chakra, Heal Solar Plexus Chakra, Heal Heart Chakra, Heal Throat Chakra, Heal Third Eye Chakra, Heal Crown Chakra, and much more. This book also contains an Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels, Prayers and Meditations, Wisdom Teachings, a Discussion of Divine Laws, and a Teaching about the Path of Dharma. The purpose of this book is to heal a mass audience using Reiki energies to assist the recipients to heal imbalances and to find Divinity within.