Challenger is the seventh installment in the bestselling Tower Series, a GameLit/LitRPG saga by Seth Ring, the acclaimed author of Battle Mage Farmer and The Titan series. Set in the vibrant world of Nova Terra, this series features the unforgettable character Thorn. If you’re a fan of immersive storytelling, rich fantasy landscapes, and epic adventures enriched with a touch of friendship, then you’ll find Challenger to be a captivating addition to your collection.
Seth Ring loves telling stories and building worlds and is the bestselling author of the Battle Mage Farmer series and the Tower series. When he isn’t writing, Seth focuses on passing on what he has learned about writing and being an author through his YouTube channel and at conventions and conferences around the world. He cohosts the WorldCraft Club podcast and community, a world-building resource for game masters, authors, and anyone who enjoys world-building.
Eric Jason Martin is an Earphones Award–winning narrator. He has narrated many dozens of audiobooks in fiction and nonfiction. He is also the host and producer of the award-winning This American Wife, a popular podcast, and now web series, that features original comedy and stories, as well as interviews with authors such as Robert Greene and Amy Tan.