Broken Soup

· Harper Fire · ບັນຍາຍໂດຍ Ellie Seilern
4 ຊົ່ວໂມງ 58 ນາທີ
ບໍ່ໄດ້ຢັ້ງຢືນການຈັດອັນດັບ ແລະ ຄຳຕິຊົມ ສຶກສາເພີ່ມເຕີມ
ຕ້ອງການຕົວຢ່າງ 14 ນາທີ ບໍ? ຟັງໄດ້ທຸກເວລາ, ເຖິງແມ່ນໃນເວລາອອບລາຍຢູ່ກໍຕາມ. 


An intriguing, compelling and moving new novel from the award-winning author of Finding Violet Park.

When the good-looking boy with the American accent presses the dropped negative into Rowan's hand, she's sure it's all a big mistake. But next moment he's gone, lost in the crowd of bustling shoppers. And she can't afford to lose her place in the checkout queue – after all, if she doesn't take the groceries home, nobody else will.

Rowan has more responsibilities than most girls her age. These days, she pretty much looks after her little sister single-handedly – which doesn't leave much time for friends or fun. So when she finds out that Bee from school saw the whole thing, it piques her curiosity. Who was the boy? Why was he so insistent that the negative belonged to Rowan?


Jenny Valentine is an award-winning writer for Young Adults. Her first novel Finding Violet Park won the Guardian prize in 2007 and since then she has written six more, including Broken Soup and Fire Colour One, as well as Iggy and Me, a series for younger children. Her work has been published in 19 countries and Hello Now, her latest YA novel, was published in the UK and US in April 2020. In 2017 she was the Hay Festival International Fellow, spending the year meeting and learning from teenagers all over the world. She works to empower and give a voice to young people. She lives all over the place and has two daughters.




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ເພີ່ມເຕີມຈາກ Jenny Valentine
