The specifics of ecological destruction often take a cruel turn, affecting those who can least resist its impacts and are least responsible for it. Deep Horizons: A Multisensory Archive of Ecological Affects and Prospects gathers contributions from multiple disciplines to investigate intersectional questions of how the changing planet affects specific peoples, communities, wildlife species, and ecosystems in varying and inequitable ways. A multisensory, artistic-archival supplement to the Mellon Sawyer Environmental Futures Project, the volume enriches current conversations bridging the environmental humanities and affect theory with insights from Native and Indigenous philosophies as well as by highlighting artistic practices that make legible the long-term durational effects of ecological catastrophe.
Poems, nonfiction essays, sound-texts, photographs, and other artworks invite readers and viewers to consider the less visible losses and prospects of environmental transformation. Gathering contributions from multiple disciplines, this multimodal, multisensorial volume pushes the boundaries of scholarship with an experimental, born-digital format that offers a set of responses to collective traumas such as climate change, environmental destruction, and settler colonialism. The artists and authors honor the specificity of real historical and material injustices while also reflecting the eclectic nature of such assorted feelings, working through them in creative and border-crossing modes.
With contributions from Robert Bailey, Nina Elder, Erin Espelie, Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds, Maya Livio, Erika Osborne, Craig Santos Perez, Kim Tallbear, Julianne Warren, and Kyle Powys White.
"The compelling juxtaposition of poetry, music, video, audio, photography, printmaking, and traditional essays is among Deep Horizons' considerable strengths. I don’t know of any other project quite like this one. The subject is timely—indeed, urgent—and the innovative approach to archiving environmental change will interest scholars and artists in a range of disciplines and resonate with a wide audience." —Jennifer Ladino, University of Idaho
Brianne Cohen is assistant professor of contemporary art history at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is author of the book Don’t Look Away: Art, Nonviolence, and Preventive Publics in Contemporary Europe (Duke, 2023) and co-editor of the volume, The Photofilmic: Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture (Leuven University Press and Cornell University Press, 2016). She has published in journals such as Representations, Art Journal, Afterimage, Third Text, and more.
Erin Espelie is a filmmaker whose works have shown at the New York Film Festival, the British Film Institute, the Whitechapel Gallery, Anthology Film Archive, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and more. She is associate professor in the Department of Cinema Studies & the Moving Image Arts and the Department of Critical Media Practices and co-founder and co-director of NEST (Nature, Environment, Science & Technology) Studio for the Arts at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Bonnie Etherington is lecturer in literary and creative communication at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington, in Aotearoa New Zealand. Previously, she taught for the University of the South Pacific and was the Environmental Futures postdoctoral associate at the University of Colorado Boulder. She earned her PhD in English from Northwestern University.