Humorist Bill Nye was the first editor of the daily paper in Laramie, Wyoming, and named it the Laramie Boomerang in honor of his mule. As Nye’s son Frank said, something about the word “boomerang” piqued Nye’s imagination, as it described the "eccentricity of his orbit". “His mule, his mine, his newspaper, his [first] book [Bill Nye and Boomerang], all bore the trademark.” The book, according to Nye, includes "some little epics and ethereal flights of fancy..." and said "it affords me great know what a feeling of blessed rest and childlike confidence and assurance - and some more things of that nature - will follow the publication of this work." Warning: Common side-effects include uncontrollable side-slapping laughter and giggling. Listen with extreme caution.
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