Authority is the right to use power in a particular realm or area. authority and power goes together. Men can have power without authority, but you cannot have authority without power. Power is very important but power without authority is useless. .
Authority is what make your power meaningful. Power is not in full effect until it is power-full for a believer’s power to be power-full he must carry the authority of God. Just like you cannot survive in life without power so you cannot reign in life without authority.
Joshua Olumoye is the founder and Pastor of Harmony Heavenly Church a fellowship of genuine believers of Yeshua HaMashiach. He authored more than twenty-five books, including For his glory, Far superior host, Far superior weapons and the best-selling books China and Russia lead the New World Order. With the ability to rightly dividing the word of truth through the grace of God, he easily brings out the truth and the mystery of the bible.