The very Essence of our economic and social approach is to contribute to the official global effort against poverty (and not Poor, Precarious and Profane) that could, in an alternative way, be encouraged by twinning between people from the South, their Diaspora and their supporters.
We are a Strategic Organization Consulting Firm and a Community Economy Think Tank and we have 3 axes of intervention namely: Consortium Partnership with NGOs and Consulting Firms; Business, Project and Technical Writing Services for SMEs; and (Re)Structuring of Informal and Ethnic VSEs. Our target audience is Peer Homes of, Economic Actors (Commerce and Enterprise) and Community Leaders (Administration and Families), regardless of gender or age, who are deprived of equity in their civil rights.
This is our terms of Preference:
The Ethnic Diaspora becoming for the Informal People an Overseas Partner (OSP), the African economic regions developing between them privileged exchanges and limiting or severely regulating those with the other regions on the model of China during its recovery by ostracism.
Arnaud Segla fait la promotion de l'alternative informelle et de l'identité ethnique en matière de performance socioéconomique inter et intra communautés.
Dirigeant d’une firme de consultation et d’un Think Tank depuis 2009 il bâtit une expertise en projets d’entrepreneuriat ethnique pour l’autonomisation économique des communautés à travers diverses expériences en gestion de projets et ingénierie d’affaires visant à contribuer à la définition de solutions alternatives informelles en matière de développement économique et durable au Canada et en Afrique.