Annihilation Road

Ā· RB Media Ā· į‰ Ryan West į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ
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All paths lead to destruction in the new Torpedo Ink novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.

Savin ā€œSavageā€ Pajari is convinced heā€™s not worth a damn thing. Heā€™s not like his brothers. Heā€™s a sadistic monster, a killerā€”a man no woman could truly love. So it completely throws him when a stranger risks her life for his, pushing him out of
the way and taking the hit that would have sent him six feet under. If he had any kind of sense, heā€™d leave her alone, but Savage canā€™t get the woman with a smart mouth and no sense of self-preservation out of his head. With one kiss, heā€™s lost.
Seychelle Dubois has spent her entire life not feeling much of anything, until Savage comes along and sets her whole body on fire. Kissing him was a mistake.

Letting him get close would be a catastrophe. Heā€™s the most beautifulā€”and damagedā€”man sheā€™s ever met. He has a way of getting under her skin, and what heā€™s offering is too tempting to resist.

Seychelle knows so little about Savage or the dangerous world of Torpedo Ink, but his darkness draws her like a moth to a flame. Loving him could mean losing herself completely to his needsā€”needs she doesnā€™t understand but is eager to
learn. But what Savage teaches her could destroy her.

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Christine Feehan is the author of over 40 books including Dark Wolf, Dark Blood, and Earth Bound. She writes numerous series including Dark, Drake Sisters, Ghostwalkers, Leopard, Sea Haven, Carpathian, and The Shadow Series. She also wrote a manga comic, Dark Hunger, which was released in October 2007. Dark Prince won three Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature in 1999. She has received seven more for her other books. She also won two Golden Leaf Awards, the Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times Magazine for Contemporary New Reality, the 2004 RIO Award of Excellence, and the Borders 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award. Her titles often appear on The New York Times Bestseller List.

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į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‰ Christine Feehan

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