In this second installment of the Salty Sister Mystery series, antique store owner Patricia Schuster has her hands full, juggling her business and her mother’s eccentricities. Elsie’s Antiques is badly in need of inventory and mom is sneaking around residential neighborhoods distributing home-grown produce. But when the local postal carrier is run down, The Ladies, four women in their golden years, need Patricia’s help to catch the killer. The Ladies, who live by the motto “It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught,” challenge Patricia to stay in her happy place in this humorous cozy mystery.
Ann Philipp lives in Northern California with one husband and at least five cats. Others that share her space are greedy squirrels, ninja gophers, and clairvoyant vultures. She writes humorous murder mysteries, short stories, funny screenplays, and any type of humor that will make her laugh.