Chellappa K
What an interesting, valuable book! Designed to help the reader lift himself up by his own bootstraps. I never knew there were so many concrete, practical exercises that can help to change one's attitudes, mindset and motivation. But this book spells out exactly what aspects and exercises go into effective visualization and what questions you need to ask yourself when visualizing. Where are you in time and space and what information are all your senses feeding you in your vision/goal? "Boost Your Mind Power" teaches you how to figure these things out so that you will be able to recreate them at will. This book needs to be studied and the lessons need to actually be followed and internalized. any more than you can build a strong athletic body simply by reading a book about exercise.
Dinesh Kumar
Just started to read it and so far it's actually good. Better to hear a book or read a few pages before you just judge how bad it could be by the look of a book. Like the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover".
Starlife Macabio
This book offers a lot more than what you think it would. At first I thought it's just like any other books that just explains one topic and so on but no. Instead, it covers all the topics that is really essential to the reader. Like, all you want to know about this kind of topic is in the book. Just finish listening to it and see for yourself how big it has helped you. This audiobook is definitely worth it.