In the frost-kissed streets of Philadelphia, Mia’s world is upended by the arrival of Adrian, a brooding enigma whose smoldering glances betray a hidden flame. Despite his initial aloofness, Mia senses a simmering desire beneath his icy exterior, a desire that flares with jealousy at the mere sight of her former lover. Yet, as their fiery passion takes hold, Mia uncovers a startling truth: Adrian is not just a man of mystery but a full-blood vampire, haunted by a distrust of human women.
Can Mia’s tenderness melt away Adrian’s icy walls and guide him out of the darkness? Will their bond withstand the test of eternal love, or will Adrian’s lingering doubts shatter their chance at a forever romance beneath the twinkling Christmas lights?
Marilyn loves to hear from readers who can email her at [email protected]
Marilyn Lee is an East Coast gal who loves exploring diverse cultures in her work. She writes multicultural romances, many of them featuring plus-size heroines. After years of writing, she hopes that her love of the craft is evident in every word she writes.
A self-proclaimed dog lover, Marilyn currently lives on the East Coast with her two furry friends. Taking long walks with her dogs is one of her most relaxing and favorite pastimes.
When she’s not writing, she’s rooting for her favorite hometown teams (even when they break her heart year after year). Or binge-watching true-crime shows and superhero movies.
Marilyn is retired from her nine-to-five job but still writing—because she can’t imagine not doing so!
She loves hearing from readers and responds to all correspondence. She credits such emails with keeping her motivated to finish some of the many partial stories on countless hard drives crying out to be written.
So drop her a line. Or two and inspire her to write more.