Develop yourself for the better and be the woman he desires!
Relationships are very crucial in the life of men and women. It is a skill to bond and carry on life perfectly as a couple. This venture has a lot of complexities, mishaps, and troubles, but with the correct guidance and effort put in the right direction, you can be the woman he wants to put a ring on.
Afi Kingdom, in this book – ‘Finnese Game’ brings out the tips for women to be desirable and appreciated by men. He is an international podcaster, speaker, author, and coach on personality developments, confidence, style, dating, and relationships. With his dating and relationship experiences, he has brought to the readers, the truth about handling relationships and secrets to being the ultimate strong couple. He discusses many major pointers as such:
- Building attraction and matching compatibility
- Trusting and earning trust
- The art of submission and humbleness
- How to be supportive and selfless in a relationship
- Being honest and genuinely opening-up
- Breaking ice about intimacy
- Importance of being domestic
- Finding similar goals and interest
- Bonding over little things
- Importance of listening and attending
The book consists of a systematic guide that covers the 12 key tips to get the ring from the right man. Afi Kingdom brings out these elements with the utmost details, accurate examples, and experiences for the better understanding and development of the self to fit into the expectations of men. He assists you to find the perfect suitor and treat him right.
This book aims at improvising you physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually, so that you make the correct alterations in your relationship and add valor. Either a man or a woman, this is the complete relationship guide you’ve been looking for.