Dynamic Forest is the new operating system for forestry. It offers the first cloud-synchronized geodatabase for all data and processes in forestry. While most software solutions in forestry only map individual aspects of operational processes, Dynamic Forest offers the full integration of all geospatial data in combination with operational workflows, map material and much more. With Dynamic Forest, all those involved work in a common database that is synchronized via the cloud and thus always remains up-to-date.
Online and offline
Since the reception is usually poor in the forest, the app allows aerial photos, inventory maps, stacks, high seats, calamities, new cultures and numerous other geodata to be created and edited offline. As soon as the connection is back, neither the data is synchronized and everyone is up to date.
All cards always with you
Regardless of whether it is about the stock limits or information from forest management, the parcels or the pile map. With Dynamic Forest, all maps are always available and up-to-date. Pro map material from OCELL can also be integrated for razor-sharp aerial images and AI-based analysis of the existing situation.
Plan and share measures
Dynamic Forest links the action planning with the map objects and people. For example, measures for crops or maintenance stocks can be planned and assigned to the areas and then assigned to a responsible person. This means that it is always possible to track who has done what, where, and who has to do what.
Smart workflows
Many forest measures consist of several steps. Before each thinning, the stand must be marked and after the cut it is moved. In Dynamic Forest, these measures are represented in workflows. This automatically triggers tasks as soon as the previous process is completed.