Bali Candra is an application that can be used to view information regarding the Balinese calendar, daily prayers/puja mantras for Hindus, Trisandya alarms, search for otonan/odalan, and search for the nearest temple.
Features in this application:
Trisandya Alarm
As a reminder to carry out Puja Trisandya.
Migrate the checklist, reminders, diaries and menstrual records to another device.
Diary entry
Manage records in the form of activities, reflections, or a daily diary.
Balinese Calendar
With information on events, holidays and beautiful adults. Support full screen display mode.
With analog clock including suggested time selection.
List of Otonan/Odalan
Search for otonan based on date of birth and pawukon, including search for odalan based on pawukon or sasih.
List of nearby temples (online)
Search for temples using the name or location of the temple, including using a map to see where the temple is.
Date calculator
Search for D-days and the distance between two dates, including looking for closeness/compatibility between two dates. Comparisons between saka dates can also be made in this application.
Materials & Articles (online/offline)
In the form of a collection of Hindus' daily mantras/prayers which include Tri Sandya, Gayatri, Panca Sembah, Prayers for holidays, offering saiban/ngejot, and other prayers. Song for various events. Various Hindu holidays. Indonesian Bhagavad Gita. Sarasamuscaya in Indonesian. Collection of Bhagawad Gita Stories for Children and Beginners. A collection of articles about learning Hindu teachings (online). Several Upanisad books in Indonesian: Aetareya, Isha (Isa), Katha and Kena Upanisad. Including various Hindu religious textbooks for elementary, middle school to high school / vocational students.
Hands-free mode
Make it easy to get information about rerainan, odalan, otonan including voice reminders (tts).
Application Theme
Light, dark and automatic application theme settings, including background settings using colors and images and adaptive themes. Support for tablet devices (mode).
Displays the daily saka date on the main page of the device (home screen).
Purnama, tilem, other ceremonies, looking for beautiful adults for weddings/pawiwahan, teeth cutting and more.
Tirta Yatra
Planning/recording of tirta yatra activities.
Other features that may be useful.
– Rerainan, autonan and odalan notifications.
– Mantra reading: using Indonesian voice (tts).
– Reminders: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
– Menstrual Record: saves menstrual (monthly) recording with predictions.