James Hodare
DONT DOWNLOAD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES and the reason for that is: ADS. It finishes loading which takes forever might i add and the little ad on the bottom of the screen grows to cover half of the screen so you press to button that allows you to "bring it back to normal size" but surprise surpise, IT JUST FREEZES AND THEN KICKS OUT OF THE GAME! then after that exact thing happening time and time again, it finally lets you play, and oh my goodness... THIS UNPLAYABLE "APP" FREEZES AND DOES IT AGAIN
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Muthu Krishnan
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Possible bug? : When I finished level 3 offline due to ad annoyance, I noticed a bug. When I tried to skip the x200%, I was unable to proceed to the next stage; instead, the rewards continued to be generated. Try to figure it out. And when I finally got out of it, I couldn't move on to stage 4 instead it was level 0. Even if it is fourth stage, it will go to blank, and I found a numerous of swords in my bag to use.
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Hangry Hufflepuff
I only downloaded to see what happens when you beat the boss. What happens is that the boss is changed from a woman (weird to begin with) into a wolf guy and you kill him. That's it. Also, way too many ads. You move twice? AD. You tap the screen? AD. You move platform? AD. They've even built the levels so that it's impossible to proceed without watching an ad. I have only done two levels and have already seen 20+ ads. At least make a good game to hide the shameless cashgrab. I'm disappointed.
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