Seeing all your financial habits enables you to stick to your goals and be organized in what's important. Take responsibility and know exactly where your money goes. With Budget Tracker, you can be your own money manager. It's that easy!
📈 Organize & Analyse Your Expenses
We'll help you see your finances in the big picture! Imagine your data is automatically categorized, displayed in simple info graphics, stylish graphs and clever insights that help you on your way to your dream savings and proper financial health.
💸 Optimize Your Spending’s
Save money for categories you spend the most on by creating budgets and sticking to them. We'll notify you on your progress to make sure you are in green numbers and maintaining positive cash flow.
👩🎓 Learn Through Personal Insights
Embrace financial awareness. Let us become your best financial friend which proactively helps you to manage your personal finances and build a sustainable emergency fund. We're ready to give you tips & tricks to help you with your daily decision making.
👉 Budgets - to help you stick to your financial goals
👉 Wallets - organize your cash, bank accounts or different financial occasions
👉 Shared Finances - to efficiently manage money with partners or flatmates
👉 Labels - to mark and analyse transactions in more depth
👉 Dark Mode - to enjoy in an eye-friendly environment
👉 Secure Data Sync - to keep your details private, confidential and safe
Starting with Budget Tracker is easy thanks to its intuitive design. And the more you use it, the more valuable it gets, rewarding you with attractive charts that show you where your money is going, how you're doing compared to previous periods & much more. We believe in beautiful design - and thanks to that, we'll guide you to better financial decisions with ease.
Download Budget Tracker now! Sync your bank account to be your own money manager & get ahead of your finances. It's easy, effective and enables you to save and plan for the future.
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