釋放內心的女強人之魂!準備好化身 Iza,啟程展開征服超市世界的精彩冒險。勤奮的 Iza 懷抱有遠大的夢想,決心打造一格華麗的市場帝國。將自己的小店一路升級為零售巨頭,用最酷的商品來吸引顧客瘋狂搶購。準備好用你的創業才能震撼世界,見證你的店鋪成為精明買家們的購物天堂。對了,我有提到 Iza 的時尚品味也會隨之升級嗎?穿上時尚華麗的服裝,體驗百萬富翁般的待遇。一場專為立志稱霸零售業界的女強人量身打造的刺激冒險!
Hi 花小妹妹! Thank you for the review! We are extremely happy to know that you enjoyed the game! Don't stop playing, as we are constantly adding new content to provide even more fun.
Tat King
Good job
Sandsoft Games
Hi, Tat! We are delighted that you enjoyed our game! Keep an eye out for updates, as we'll soon have more content for you!
New Update! We have made several fixes to the game. Thanks for playing!