Hi there, thank you so much for the detailed feedback! 🙏 We're glad you're enjoying the app, and we're continuously working on improvements to make it even more awesome 💙 Tina from DuoCards
vaņfans liu (vf-l)
我沒有看評論,不知道可以免費試用。 打開app後,先看到的竟然是付費窗口! 有一個灰色的X,顏色很淡,不仔細看根本看不清。付費之後才發現它。 。。後續: 因為退款很順利。兩顆星。。。再多說幾句:單詞很複雜,有性數格的變化,有前綴後綴,還有多個含義。而這個 App 很粗暴地將一個生詞對應一個翻譯,沒有任何解釋。這樣就會出現 “how old are you” “怎麼老是你” 的反效果。
Hi, you got this wrong, this limitation is per day, not total.
Example of usages for words in most of the languages thanks to AI New language courses for English, Italian, Spanish and other languages New feature for selecting sentences Fixes AI-assistant and improved prompting Improve onboarding process