何維淂(Victor Ho)
我玩這個遊戲一小段時間了, 勝利方的獎勵機制一直在改變, 對於真的用新遊戲玩家來說非常的不公平不合理, 恐怕只會願意付錢的玩家算是友善. 原本可以升級的飛機在一夕之間必須從頭開始累積, 我對此感到非常的不解? 難道你們都不擔心玩家放棄遊戲而離去嗎? 除此之外遊戲本身還算不錯. 但是請檢討一下你們的勝方獎勵機制, 機制應該要固定模式, 偶而可以提供一些優惠或是節日活動, 但是基本的機制應該要固定住.
Hello! Our team is happy and humbled to hear from you, and we remain committed to develop the game into new and exciting horizons, and we're thankful to be on this journey together. See you in the skies and a reconsideration of your rating would be very helpful!