★ najboljši zvok Meter (SPL - raven zvočnega tlaka) je aplikacija, ki se lahko merijo dejanski merilnik nivoja zvoka z decibelih (dB). Merilnik glasnosti je znana tudi kot raven hrupa meter, decibel meter (dB meter), merilnik hrupa, zvočne ravni meter tlak (SPL meter).
★ Uporablja svoj vgrajenega mikrofona za merjenje decibelov hrupa v okolju (DB) in pokazati vrednost za referenco. Imeli smo umerjen številne Android naprave z dejanskim merilnikom ravni zvoka v dB.
★ Značilnosti Best Sound Meter:
- označuje decibel z merilnikom
- prikaz trenutnega sklic hrupa
- prikaz min / avg / max vrednosti decibelov
- prikaz decibel s grafu
- lahko umerite decibel za vsako naprave
- hiter odziv na zanesljivih sprememb na ravni
★ Ravni hrupa v decibelih (dB) po American Academy of avdiologijo:
140 dB - pištolo shots, ognjemeti
130 dB - pnevmatskimi kladivi, ambulanca
120 dB - reaktivna letala pri vzletu
110 dB - koncerti, avto rogovi
100 dB - sani
90 dB - električno orodje
80 dB - budilke
70 dB - prometa, praznin
60 dB - normalen pogovor
50 dB - zmerna količina padavin
40 dB - tiho knjižnica
20 dB - listi rjavenje
10 dB - dihanjem
★ POMEMBNO informacije o Best Sound Meter: To orodje ni profesionalna naprava za merjenje decibelov. Moraš vedeti, da je vgrajeni mikrofoni so bili usklajeni s človeškim glasom (300-3400Hz, 40-60dB). Zato so mejne vrednosti omejena z omejitvijo strojne opreme, in zelo glasen zvok (100 + db) ni mogoče prepoznati.
Ne pozabite, da zvok meter app je samo za zabavo in vas prosimo, da uporabite kot pomožno orodje.
★ Če imate kakršne koli pripombe, povratne informacije ali potrebujete pomoč pri Best Sound Meter, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto na naslov:
[email protected]---
★ Best Sound Meter (SPL - sound pressure level) is an app which can measure the actual sound level meter with decibels (dB). Sound meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter (dB meter), noise meter, sound pressure level meter (spl meter).
★ It uses your built-in microphone to measure environmental noise decibels (dB) and show a value for reference. We had calibrated many android devices with the actual sound level meter with dB.
★ Features of Best Sound Meter:
- indicates decibel by gauge
- display the current noise reference
- display min/avg/max decibel values
- display decibel by graph
- can calibrate the decibel for each devices
- quick reaction on sound level change
★ Levels of noise in decibels (dB) according to American Academy of audiology:
140 dB - gun shots, fireworks
130 dB - jackhammers, ambulance
120 dB - jet planes taking off
110 dB - concerts, car horns
100 dB - snowmobiles
90 dB - power tools
80 dB - alarm clocks
70 dB - traffic, vacuums
60 dB - normal conversation
50 dB - moderate rainfall
40 dB - quiet library
30 dB - whisper
20 dB - leaves rusting
10 dB - breathing
★ IMPORTANT information about Best Sound Meter: This tool is not a professional device to measure decibels. You have to know that the built-in microphones were aligned to human voice (300-3400Hz, 40-60dB). Therefore the maximum values are limited by the hardware limitation, and very loud sound (100+ db) cannot be recognized.
Remember that sound meter app is only for fun and please use it as an auxiliary tool.
★ If you have any comments, feedback or you need help with Best Sound Meter, please send an e-mail to:
[email protected]