The main part of the game is pretty much like Candy Crush and becomes increasingly difficult and less playable. If you are addicted, you have to either wait ridiculously long hours to happen to find “boosters” or spend real money on it. The “story” of the game lures you little by little to keep playing and waiting. In the game, you click on something, nice animation shows up, and some kind of number reduces until you can't play. Then you have to wait (maybe anxiously) for that number to go up.
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2020 оны аравдугаар сарын 26
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NEW EVENTS • Snowboard Season: Season Pass holders will get to build a snowboarding ramp • Throw a festive celebration for undercover agents in a new Expedition • Expedition to a mysterious desert: uncover the secrets of terracotta guards
STORYLINE • Discover how the exploration of the new area unfolds. Will the characters find the ghost monkey from ancient legends?