Sayaka D
Update:2024/09/12 仕様ががらっと変わったあとくらいから各レストランの難易度が急に下がった気がする。(アジアワールドの洋食屋以降)2年くらい楽しくて毎日やってたけどただ同じ材料をひたすら焼いて乗せて出すだけでchallengingな要素がなくて面白くないからもうやるの止めようか考え中…。。 Love the game itself, but I cannot proceed anymore after choosing the shop to enter(before choosing the stage), and just turns black out and freeze. Having enough storage capacity, I restarted the phone so many times, but it keeps happening.. so annoying!!!
2 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Hello, Chef! Sorry to hear that it didn't work! Could you please try to delete the game from your device and redownload it from the store?
Don’t worry: your game progress won’t be lost as long as your device is connected to the Facebook.