Operatore 112! Pompieri - Vigili del fuoco - Polizia - Ambulanza! Prova l'emozione di un addetto alla gestione delle chiamate di emergenza! Crea la tua centrale operativa e scegli in quale parte del mondo posizionare le basi di emergenza e gestire le chiamate, utilizzando il sistema di mappatura. Espandi le tue risorse, dai mezzi antincendio, alle ambulanze e alle volanti della polizia, oltre a veicoli speciali disponibili, come la polizia armata e le squadre di soccorso avanzato. Il gioco consente un'ampia personalizzazione su come denominare le unità e su dove posizionarle. Per alcune delle risorse è richiesta una formazione specialistica che dovrai gestire tu attraverso l'organizzazione di corsi di formazione.
Se il lavoro di squadra ti gratifica, allora va' a dare una mano ai tuoi amici entrando a far parte di un'alleanza o creandone una. È possibile condividere gli incarichi per aiutarsi a vicenda, oltre a consentire agli amici di portare i pazienti nel tuo ospedale o nella tua prigione. Più unità possiedi, maggiori saranno le richieste che ti arriveranno e il numero di sfide da affrontare. Ricorda: alcune chiamate richiedono l'invio di diversi tipi di unità, quindi assicurati che la tua flotta sia sempre aggiornata!
Fire Fighter, police officer or ambulance driver. It is your task to dispatch the right units. Experience the excitement of an emergency call dispatcher at your finger tips! Create your own dispatch center and choose where in the world your fire and police stations are placed, using real life maps. You want to recreate the emergency and rescue system of your city? Or would you prefer to build a huge fire station right on top of the Madison Square Garden? The choice is yours!
First you start with a fire station and a Type 1 or Type 2 engine. Afterwards you can expand your emergency system any way you want. Add more specialist vehicles like HazMat, Heavy Rescue vehicles, MCV (Mobile Command Vehicle), or build up your police force with SWAT and K9 units - or both and cover all 911 emergency calls!
The game allows for vast customization, so all stations and vehicles can be named. And as some specialized vehicles need trained personnel, you can set up training courses and assign specialists to specific vehicles. Advanced players can use helicopters (HEMS) to get to the most urgent emergencies quickly!
If you enjoy teamwork then help friends by joining or creating an alliance. You can share jobs to help each other out as well as allow friends to take patients to your hospital or prison. The more units you have will boost your call amount too, increasing the challenges you face. Remember, some 911 calls will require different types of units to be sent so ensure your fleet is up-to-date!
This game was developed by a real firefighter. So it was always important to have realistic emergency missions with realistic demands for vehicles - from small missions like a burning car to big ones like a bridge collapse - all on real life maps!
Naturally a lot of our players are also firefighter, police officer, ambulance driver, operator or 911 dispatcher in their real lives. For fans of emergency, rescue, blue light systems this is the perfect game!
Finally, we want to let you know that we are always interested in ideas for new missions, vehicles and other content. Just give us a note in a review, contact us on Facebook or send us an email. We cannot implement everything but we strive to realize the valuable input from our players. We are working hard and very closely with our community - to expand the game with you! A game for all fans of fire fighter games.
Operatore 112 Pompieri
Ultimo aggiornamento
11 dic 2024