Pippi World: Princess Avatar

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✨Explore and experience the fun and super cute world of the Dream Ice Castle with Princess Pippi!✨
Open up "Pippi World :Princess Avatar" unlock different locations, dress up various styles and sizes of princesses and princes, and interact with countless items, furniture, and characters. Step into this mystical world and create your own princess story in the magnificent, dreamy castle!


👑A Day in the Life of a Princess👑
Ever wondered what it's like to live as a princess? Wake up in a luxurious princess bed, take a bath in an elegant tub, shop at your exclusive boutique, then enjoy afternoon tea at the dessert shop... In this beautiful ice world, you are the star! You can do anything you want, with no limits or restrictions, and the adventure never ends! Dive into this vast and mysterious world with your friends and family!

👗Create New Characters👗
Unleash your endless imagination and create any character you like! Choose from hundreds of unique facial features, outfits, hairstyles, accessories, jewelry, and wings, make up and makeover to make them one-of-a-kind! Do you prefer a character that's elegant, glamorous, cute, or quirky? Or maybe stylish, handsome, or even wacky? Your creativity brings them to life, giving each character a unique personality and charm!
Of course, the characters you create can also experience all the activities in Pippi World! They can interact with all the items, explore every location, and discover the magic and surprises hidden around every corner. Make your mark in this world by leaving unique footprints of your adventures!

💖Explore Everything💖
Create unique interactive stories! You can be a princess or even the hairstylist at the salon – why not? It's all up to you!
Find all the hidden plots and Easter eggs! Where's the key to the treasure chest? What cute things will hatch from the eggs? Dive into the game and explore!
Solve all the puzzles! Clues on the notes will guide you – but where are the notes? I'm sure you can find them!
And what else is special? That's for you to discover when you enter Pippi World!


"Pippi World :Princess Avatar" isn't just a regular dress up games, princess games, or doll games. In this rich virtual world, players can develop important skills like creativity, exploration, imagination, and design, as well as problem-solving abilities in real life! Download "Pippi World :Princess Avatar" now, and create your own princess story in this adorable game!
12. des. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Myndir og myndskeið, Forritavirkni og 2 í viðbót
Engum gögnum safnað
Nánar um yfirlýsingar þróunaraðila um gagnasöfnun
Gögn eru ekki dulkóðuð
Ekki er hægt að eyða gögnum


1. Added a new Christmas scene, opening the 1st and 2nd floors;
2. Added new Christmas clothing, accessories, etc.;
3. Optimize user experience.