DuckDuckGo Private Browser

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The DuckDuckGo app provides the most comprehensive online privacy protection with the push of a button. With one free download, you get an everyday private Internet browser that offers seamless protection while you search and browse, and access to tracking protection for emails you receive and apps you use. Many of these protections are not offered in most popular web browsers by default.
Search Privately by Default – DuckDuckGo Private Search comes built-in, so you can easily search the web without being tracked.
Block Tracking Cookies While Browsing – Prevent most 3rd-party Internet cookies from tracking you as you browse online.
Escape Website Trackers Before They Load – Automatically stop most hidden trackers (3rd-party scripts) from loading, which prevents companies from collecting and using any personal data from these trackers. Stay secure with our cutting-edge tracker-blocking technology – 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection, which goes above and beyond what you get in most popular web browsers by default.
Automatically Enforce Encryption – Force many sites you visit to automatically use an encrypted (HTTPS) connection, which helps shield your data from Wi-Fi snoopers and network onlookers like your Internet provider.
Block Email Trackers (Beta) – Over 85% of emails sent to Duck Addresses ( contain trackers that can detect when you’ve opened a message, where you were when you opened it, and what device you were using. Email Protection makes it easy to block most email trackers and hide your existing address when signing up for things online, all without switching email providers.
Protect Your Privacy in Other Apps – Block most hidden app trackers in other apps day or night, and prevent third-party companies from invading your privacy with App Tracking Protection. This feature uses a VPN connection, but is not a VPN. It works locally on your device and does not collect personal data.
Escape Fingerprinting – Help stop companies from creating a unique identifier for you by blocking their attempts to combine specific information about your web browser and device settings.
Block Tracking Cookies – Prevent most third-party cookies from tracking you as you browse online from website to website.
We feature many protections not available on most Internet browsers (even incognito browsers), including protection from link tracking, Google AMP tracking, and more.
Tap Fire Button, Burn Data – Clear your tabs and browsing data fast with our Fire Button.
Signal Your Privacy Preference with Global Privacy Control (GPC) – Built in to our app, GPC intends to help you express your opt-out rights automatically by telling websites not to sell or share your personal information. Whether it can be used to enforce your legal rights (for example, current or future CCPA, GDPR requirements) depends on the laws in your jurisdiction.
Note about our 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection following DuckDuckGo ad clicks: Our 3rd-Party Tracker Protection goes above and beyond what you get in most popular browsers by default, but we’re constantly working to make it more comprehensive. Currently, if an advertiser wants to detect conversions on their own website for our private DuckDuckGo search ads, our 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection will not stop requests from loading on the advertiser’s website following DuckDuckGo ad clicks, but those requests are stopped in all other contexts. This is because DuckDuckGo private search advertising is in partnership with Microsoft. As part of that partnership, viewing ads on DuckDuckGo is anonymous and Microsoft has committed to not profile our users’ ad clicks.
Read more about this and our free Tracking Protections at
Diupdate pada
15 Jan 2025

Keamanan Data

Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
Tidak ada data yang dibagikan kepada pihak ketiga
Pelajari lebih lanjut cara developer menyatakan pembagian data
Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Info pribadi, Aktivitas aplikasi, dan Info dan performa aplikasi
Data dienkripsi saat dalam pengiriman
Data tidak dapat dihapus

Rating dan ulasan

2,07 jt ulasan
Zakki Sharhan
6 Desember 2024
Aplikasi terlemot di dunia, dari dulu sampai sekarang masih lemot. memalukan nggak ada perubahan. entah apa yang diperbarui. Tutup ajalah perusahaan kalian. gak guna. Orang lain menyediakan aplikasi yang mudah dan simpel digunakan, lah kalian bikin aplikasi kok ribet. nggak ada pengaturan bahasa, terjemahan bahasa dan lainnya. Aku pikir dah 2025 dah berubah ni aplikasi. Ternyata masih memalukan dan menyebalkan untuk digunakan
820 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Yuni Mauza
6 Desember 2024
Kenapa gk bisa di pake jir buat nyari contoh gambar rumah aja gj ada web error ke gk muncul apapun ,pake vpn gk bisa , gk pake vpn juga sama gk bisa sumpah napadah? Tolong di benerin lah
60 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
izzat nabahah
5 Januari 2025
Ini aplikasi yang lengkap lah menurutku daripada chrome terima kasih untuk developer DuckDuckGo saran saya hanya 1 yaitu buat tampilan awal lebih sederhana
214 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?

Yang baru

Privasi, disederhanakan. Lindungi data Anda saat melakukan pencarian dan penelusuran: pemblokiran pelacak, enkripsi lebih cerdas, pencarian pribadi, dan lebih banyak lagi.