Yellow Dwarf - card game

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10 Tsg.+

Über dieses Spiel

The famous Yellow Dwarf game from your childhood !
Play again IA when you want !

Yellow Dwarf Rules :
The board contains 5 places for plays, that match a specific card :
- 10 de carreau (play 1)
- Valet de trèfles (play 2)
- Dame de pique (play 3)
- Roi de coeur (play 4)
- 7 de carreau (play 5)
Each start of game, player put the play in the 5 places
3 players with 15 cards each
cards are played in order, when we place a card matching a "play place" we take the play for us
First player that does not have any card left, end game, he take plays from other players with this rule :
- 10 for any card over 10
- or the number of card (9 plays for a 9 ...)
for every card player still has
- if a player still has a card matching a play place, he take money from the play place + the same ammount from that player
- if all cards played by the player in a row, without any other player intervention, he take all plays + cards value from other players too
When a player don't have enought play to put the "starting" play, he lost
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