Pill Reminder Max

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Über diese App

Hey there, health champs! It's me, Max, your pill-popping pal. Let's grow those healthy habits together with my friendly reminders!

[How to use Max:]
▸ Fetch your reminders! You can set personalized schedules—daily, on specific days, or at intervals.
▸ When Max's "Woof Woof" alarm sounds, chow down on your meds and hit the "taken" button.
▸ Max automatically records the medicine name and time, crafting a pawsitively awesome health journal.
▸ If there's no response to the timely push notification, Max will bark up your phone again.

[Recommended for:]
▸ From conception to 16 weeks of pregnancy
Folate plays a major role in cell creation. Running low on folate could lead to underweight pups, premature births, and a stunted growth spurt for the little ones. Don't gobble it all up at once, though—it might cause a tummy tumble. Max suggests a daily dose with his "Pill Paws" alert to keep things steady.

▸ Office pups glued to screens
If those peepers are feeling ruff every time you blink, fetch an eye drop prescription at the clinic. For severe cases, set Max's "3-Hour Howler" alarm on his reminder app to keep those peepers lubed up. Adding some lutein to the mix is a real tail-wagger, too.

▸ Diabetic dogs on meds
Did you know 1 in 10 adults is a diabetic doggo? Those taking diabetes meds might run low on Vitamin B. It's like the secret sauce for energy production in our bodies, so Max's reminder pack always includes this woof-tastic nutrient.

Stay barking healthy with Max's tail-wagging reminders! 🐾💊
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen

6.26 Tsg. Rezensionen


Applied the latest SDK to enhance app stability. Ads are displayed to cover server costs. Thank you.

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대한민국 서울특별시 강남구 강남구 도곡로 404, 102동 18층 1801호(대치동, 롯데캐슬리베) 06278
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