Werner Schoeman
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To connect the app, it says you need to log into your account. On the app, it asks for a QR code to scan on the desktop version while on the desktop version it asks for a code generated by the app. So impossible to log in, because you need either to continue and can't get one without the other. They obviously did not do any real testing. Previous comments show they had this issue for more than a year. 😀
7 people found this review helpful
8 June 2021
Hi Werner, dank voor je review. Het lijkt er op dat je nog de oude mijn.nn pagina's ziet. De nieuwe app heeft geen codes meer, alleen een QR scan. Zou je mijn.nn op je desktop willen verversen (eventueel cache legen) of op mijn.nn proberen in te loggen via dezelfde telefoon waarop de app staat?
Francesco Colotta - DJ Vortex Steering (Franco)
App keeps freezing, seems that's it's loading, or at times it doesn't do anything, it just shows an empty screen. This is going on since I downloaded the app a few weeks ago. I have another request, and that's to make the separate financial saving section / parts of this app easier to manage, to change a description of a list, take or add money to and from any lists in the app, and undoubtedly see whats in what lists, in other words, everything should be easy to understand and manage.
1 person found this review helpful
8 December 2023
Francesco, dank voor je review. Goed dat je het aangeeft. Als je problemen blijft houden met het laden, bel ons dan even op 088 663 01 12 (bereikbaar maandag t/m vrijdag van 8.00 tot 17.30 uur).