Caught in the middle of the road. Pricey for a fairly buggy play and kind feels empty. I had Mythic so I paid a lot for it. The problem was the AI, it never knew how to take the initiative with the story and characters. It felt like the player had to mostly be the gamemaster. Playing for yourself and characters around you. I had messed with AI Instructions, Plot Essentials, Cards, and other tips but not much of a difference.
11 people found this review helpful
Brian Edwards
My experience is generally very good. The AI is very versatile. My biggest issue is the server becoming unresponsive several times per day, and getting duplicate results back, but the duplicate results are not a deal breaker. Sometimes you have to massage things to get a good result, but just as often something incredible comes out of left field to make it worth it.
20 people found this review helpful
WiQiD gamer (WiQiDgamer)
This is pretty good. Better than what I expected. I even tried to throw some curveball at it and it was surprisingly well at keeping track of what I said. I wish it was more deadset on rule sets for characters but the role playing is very good. I can cast any spell I want and said I have a Pegasus right off the bat. It remembers what has happened and moves the story forward at a normal pace. Sure I could teleport but hanging with the npc was more fun
5 people found this review helpful