The farmer-designed app for efficient farm management.
With xFarm you can save time and keep your work organized, with a simple and intuitive app.
But xFarm doesn't just stop at farm administration: you can connect with satellites, farm machinery, and sensors to have one place to monitor and optimize your entire farm, saving time, money, fuel, fertilizer, and more!
Discover all the features of xFarm:
šŗļøMAP: quickly view the layout and status of your plots
š¾PLOTS: location, crop, cadastral data and workings, all in one place
āļøACTIVITY: easily record treatments and tillage in the field
šCHARGES: tracks movements and transports
š¦WAREHOUSE: manage the inventory of what you have on the farm
šMACHINERY: assign your vehicles to field activities and track maintenance
š¦ļøSENSORS: if you have xFarm sensors and weather stations, view environmental parameters collected directly on the farm
š§“PRODUCTS: search for crop protection products by crop and adversity
šACCESSES: share access with your coworkers, choosing the level of permissions
šEXPORT: create documents with farm data for CAPs, calls and controls
šļøNOTE: notes and photos with location
šDOCUMENTS: use xFarm to store bills, coupons, receipts, analysis...
š§SUPPORT: access live chat to write to our team in real time
AGROWEATHER: the professional weather forecast for agriculture
š§“DATA AND DOSAGE: view labels and doses for crop protection products
š”ļøDEFENSE: use sensor data to get insights into disease development and defend crops on time
šALERT: set custom notifications and memos
šŖ²INSECTS: use data from automatic xTrap traps to receive developmental predictions of future pest generations
š§IRRIGATION: uses sensor data to receive guidance on when and how much to irrigate
šTELEMETRY: connect your fleet to xFarm, automatically tracking activity and performance
šTASK MANAGEMENT: connect your machinery to exchange maps and tasks digitally
š°FINANCE: calculate cost distribution and compare crops for effective economic management
šOPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT: professionally manage the work of your fleet and staff
šREPORT ADVANCED: export documents for Organic and Global GAP
š°ļøSATELLITE: monitor the vigor of your fields with satellite images taken every 5 days
š©PRESCRIPTION: create prescription maps to save fertilizer and seed by applying precision agriculture
šMULTIFARM: connect multiple farms and split your account into multiple farms for easy, global management
š±SOSTENIBILITY: calculate the environmental impact of your farm to improve the footprint of your work
šļøPLANNING: advanced planning of tillage, rotations and staff tasks, with an eye on the budget
š§AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION: monitor your irrigation system and receive alerts in case of malfunctions
You can also integrate our xNode sensors, xTrap insect monitoring traps, and xSense weather stations to the application to collect environmental data and process it into effective agronomic advice!
Or if you are part of a supply chain or PO, contact us to find out how xFarm can help you monitor and enhance digitization on multiple farms.
Enter digital agriculture: it's free with xFarm!