Codes stopped working. So tried to delete and reset the token, but I can't delete tokens! I can only add them. Now I have duplicates that I can't delete. EDIT: swiping left/right allied you to delete) edit. Not the most intuitive way to do it. Still didn't solve the problem. Couldn't find a way to sync time and date with phone. Found a solution, had to set my phone settings to auto time and date.
84 people found this review helpful
Bartolomei Robert Daniel
I have lots of keys from different accounts and it has become very difficult to manage them and scroll through the list... Developers sould introduce a way to structure the list ( a folder like structure, or a tagging sistem, or both). At the moment for example i cannot differentiate between work accounts and personal ones and so on... Maybe a simple list was ok when you had 2-3 accounts but not when you have more. Once they add this feature, i will give 5 stars.
48 people found this review helpful
Jane Doe
Works well about half the time. I use this for a lot of apps at work and often times I'll put in a number, only to get an error saying it's expired when it isn't. One time at complete random, it started giving an error that it has no permissions to my camera, when I changed absolutely nothing! Every single setting said it had permission. I uninstalled and reinstalled, that didn't fix it. The workaround is to scan the QR code with a barcode scanner outside of this app and open in the app.
137 people found this review helpful