Save money and cut time off your loans by trying out different "What If" scenarios. Easily view the benefits of making extra principal payments per month and year on your fixed-rate loans.
• Reduce debt
• Save money
• Cut time
• "What If" scenarios
• Chart your savings
Intuitive User Interface
Quickly enter "What If" scenarios to calculate money saved on interest and years/months cut from your fixed loans.
Save money and cut time off your loans by trying out different "What If" scenarios. Easily view the benefits of making extra principal payments per month and year on your fixed-rate loans.
• Reduce debt
• Save money
• Cut time
• "What If" scenarios
• Chart your savings
Intuitive User Interface
Quickly enter "What If" scenarios to calculate money saved on interest and years/months cut from your fixed loans.
Chart summary of the benefits of making additional monthly/yearly principal payments versus current status.
Amortization Schedule
View the amortization schedule to see benefits for each month.