João Marques
The game is a very cute 3-in-line one, with an excellent soundtrack. However, from a certain point on (level 200 ish), many levels become too much of a pain to conquer, even those not marked as hard. I don't know, maybe I'm just bad at it, but truth is the frustration factor tends to surface a bit too much for a casual game, otherwise it'd be a 5 star.
David Barnes
Played the first level, and it locked up. Maybe a compatibility issue with my phone (Samsung S24 Ultra)? It seemed fun enough if you like matching games. There was no indication that it would be unique from any other. If it will work on your device, it may be worth playing.
Joshuwa Bolton
Glitchy....on purpose? After level 110 game glitches. It freezes or fails to register achievement of goals, doesn't allow usage of item or all the aforementioned happens. Been stuck on level 112 for days. Considering I am near the end it almost feels purposely done.