Alba Angel is a part-time job recruitment platform optimized for international students. In particular, we want to provide suitable part-time jobs that overcome language and cultural barriers.
After interviewing international students, we learned that finding a part-time job is one of the most difficult things to do. Therefore, Alba Angel focuses on short-term part-time job matching for foreigners and further aims to improve the social awareness of international students.
There are various benefits that international students can gain through Alba Angel. First of all, you can earn money by providing stable and reliable part-time job opportunities. In addition, Alba Angel provides international students with the necessary help in legal aspects such as employment contracts, so legal problems such as unpaid wages are minimized, so you can work with peace of mind.
For employers, Alba Angel provides a labor pool where they can easily find safe and sincere part-time workers. Even if you urgently need a replacement, you can quickly find reliable personnel. Additionally, by selecting verified part-time workers from Alba Angel, you can ensure smooth work progress and increase efficiency.
Alba Angel seeks to create a stable and efficient part-time job culture by providing reliable brokerage services to both part-time workers and employers. We hope you enjoy using it.