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Ok, I looked in to the program, guess I was a bit angry, and decided to support the company, as the program is quite decent, not that I need the functions, but it does the job, and I got my widget back ***Old review*** Couldn't understand why my widget disappeared, had a look into it, and wow... amazing customer service... something that has been free to use for almost a year for my knowledge, I now have to pay £4 for... Not a happy customer, but guess you guys don't care, you got my fekking £4
2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig
Kustom Industries
16. december 2018
Hi Tonni. I do care and you never contacted customer service at
[email protected]. You can recover your widget without paying by loading the previous from the "backup" tab instead of exported. Pro features didn't change since very first release. Feel free to email me for additional questions. Thanks. P. S. I also always refund when asked