Korona Online Money Transfer

360 tis. recenzí
10 mil.+
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Snímek obrazovky
Snímek obrazovky
Snímek obrazovky
Snímek obrazovky
Snímek obrazovky
Snímek obrazovky

Informace o aplikaci

🤖Embrace technology
Join the global financial revolution in international money transfers with Korona Online Money Transfer App!

🌍50+ destination countries available, multi-currency support
Send money to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Romania and Serbia as well as other European countries. For most directions EUR and USD are available as well as national currencies giving you even more flexibility in how to support your family and friends!

📈Zero fees, competitive FX rates
We charge no fees for international money transfers with currency conversion! Our currency conversion rates are competitive, but don’t just take our word for it – download the app now and see for yourself!

🗿Transfers made easy up to 1 000 EUR
Send money without hassle – no need to provide any documents* to support loved ones in your home country!
*For transfers to most countries

⏳Create an account in seconds
Only phone number is needed! Access global remittances at your fingertips, pay instantly via mobile app using your card or bank account

🚄We deal in speed
98% of our card-to-card transfers arrive instantly – go check it out yourself!

⚒️Convenient funding and payout methods
Manage your day-to-day finances – we give you full control of how you want to fund your transaction as well as how you want the recipient to get the money. You can use your debit or credit card as well as make a SEPA transfer, the recipient can get it on their card in no time, pick up cash or receive a wire transfer on their bank account* – it’s all up to you!
*The actual methods available depend on the sending and receiving country

🤝A service you can trust
As an EU-regulated EMI based in Cyprus, we are fully GDPR-compliant and thoroughly follow all E-Money Directives. On top of being fully PCI/DSS-compliant, we have in-house developed cutting-edge technology to prevent fraud and fight money-laundering and terrorist financing

💸Global network of cash payout locations
It’s not all digital though – if your recipient likes the sound of banknotes crunching, you may choose to send cash which can be received in one of 50 000+ locations worldwide, download the app to find the nearest one!

🏪Full transparency, we’re always there for you
Stay up to date by tracking the status of your transfers, viewing your transaction history, and finding answers to frequently asked questions right in the app! If there’s something more you need – for your comfort, our support team is available 24 hours a day

Main features in a nutshell:
• 50+ destinations available
• Zero fees, competitive currency conversion rates
• Easy registration by phone number
• Instant card-to-card transfers
• Send money directly to the recipient's bank card or account
• Receive cash at your nearest service point in the Korona partner network
• Track status of your transfers in real time
• Detailed transaction history
• Intuitive help section for finding answers quickly
• Easy contact with support 24/7

© 2023 KoronaPay Europe Limited. All rights reserved. Koronapay Europe Limited, Reg. No. HE375955, is an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, license № Registered address: 3107, Limassol, 28th October str 359, World Trade Center, 5th floor.
Datum aktualizace
16. 1. 2025

Zabezpečení údajů

Bezpečnost začíná pochopením toho, jak vývojáři shromažďují a sdílejí vaše data. Postupy ochrany soukromí a zabezpečení dat se mohou lišit podle způsobu používání, oblasti a věku. Tyto informace poskytl vývojář a může je průběžně aktualizovat.
S třetími stranami nejsou sdílena žádná data
Další informace o tom, jak vývojáři deklarují sdílení
Tato aplikace může shromažďovat tyto typy dat
Poloha, Osobní údaje a ještě 7
Data jsou šifrována během přenosu
Můžete požádat o smazání dat

Hodnocení a recenze

357 tis. recenzí
Elena Sarumyan
9. října 2024
4 lidé si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
10. října 2024
Hello, Elena! Since 23.05.2024 sending to several destinations has become unavailable. We recommend to use alternative options of sending the transfer (other ways of sending).
bukazas ravat
9. března 2023
Peníze mi byly vráceny,ale poplatky nikoli. Převod peněz mi nebyl umožněn bez udání důvodu.Vždy jsem spolupracoval a jednal slušně. Kdybych chtěl financovat špatné lidi a špatné činy tak to pochopím a nepoužil bych KoronaPay. Vše bylo jinak v pořádku. Dobrá registrace, dobré zadání převodu. Ocenil jsem možnost převodu do Ruské federace. Za tu naději pro slušné lidi děkuji.
44 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
9. března 2023
Good afternoon! We need more information to be able to help you. Please send us the transfer number, your full name and phone number in the Support Chat. Kindly provide us the detailed description of what happened. We will look into the situation and contact you.
Larysa Rubcová
14. září 2022
Ne chápu ten váš systém. Poslala jsem pár korun na ukrajinu a dneska zjistila jsem že vyčerpala limit.Otazka kdy.Tam lidí jsou v nouzi hladový .Nemají jídlo pro děti. Myslím obchodní ukrajiny. A já dostanu zákaz. Tak kde je ta pravda.
37 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
15. září 2022
Hello, Larysa! In some cases, the verification process may be justified not only by the current limits, but also by other reasons. If the app requests the need to confirm the data again or increase the limit, please provide requested information, otherwise sending the transfer will not be available.


For CIS and Europe:
We've improved the interface to make your transfers easier.