Animal Games & Sounds for Kids

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Playing animal games and hearing animal sounds is beneficial for kids because they hear various sounds on a regular basis. When kids hear the birds, insects, and animal sounds around them, it will be helpful for them to know who barks and who mews.

In this wonderful fun animal games, your kids will play various games to have fun and learn the sounds of various animals, like farm animals, wild animals, pet animals, birds, and insects.

Play Animal Games with Fun:

➜Animal Sounds Puzzle
➜Match The Animals Names
➜Memorise It
➜Join Dots
➜Match The Animal Games
➜Sort Animal Sounds Games
➜Feed The Animals
➜Animal Doctor Care
➜Animal Hair Salon
➜Animal Fashion Game
➜Match Animal Halves
➜Animal Sort Puzzle

Types of Animal Sounds:

➜Farm Animal Sounds: Cow, Donkey, Cat, Squirrel, Goose, Sheep, Goat, Turkey, etc.
➜Wild Animal Sounds: Lion, Tiger, Fox, Wolf, Monkey, Giraffe, Elephant, Leopard, etc.
➜Pet Animal Sounds: Dog, Cat, Budgerigar, Canary, Rabbit, Mouse, etc.
➜Water Animal Sounds: Dolphin, Octopus, Swan, Crocodile, Crab, Turtle, etc.
➜Bird Sounds: Peacock, Parrot, Eagle, Ostrich, Vulture, Woodpecker, Sparrow, etc.
➜Insects: Mosquito, Dragonfly, Grasshopper, Snail, Bee, Ant, etc.

💫Animal Names in 5 Different Languages:


✨Features Of Animal Sound App:

➜Teach kids new words and improve vocabulary.
➜Learn to differentiate between various sounds of animals.
➜Animal games provide a multisensory learning experience for kids.
➜Pronounce and learn animal noises while playing animal games.

Playing with animal games is not only fun but also educational. Animal games can help kids learn about wildlife sounds and their names.

Download Animal Games app now and educate a child with various animal sounds and name with educational animal games🦄🐯
12 сне 2024 г.
Даступна на
Android, Windows

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Што новага

- Christmas theme added